Design for web and print

We specialize in brand research and presentation. Let us carve a chunk of mind space in your audience's noggin. We strive to make the ineffable tangible.

  • whatever

    Here’s the nitty gritty of the design, production and publishing process

    Websites are built using a static content management system. This choice makes it fast and easy to serve the website from anywhere as everything is pre-cached.

    Web hosting

    Preferred operating systems for hosting are barebones OpenBSD or Debian. OpenBSD has a reputation for security and technical excellence. Web servers of choice would be OpenBSD’s httpd or nginx on Debian.

    Since the site is designed with minimal requirements from the hosting side, we can integrate it easily into your existing infrastructure. It is relatively trivial to add secondary sites as backup or to serve different regions through CDNs. A site can be hosted on your network, bare iron, as a virtual server at a hosting service or on a shared service for great savings.